Redemption Song

个人随笔 Alan 9年前 (2016-07-03) 4744次浏览 0个评论 扫描二维码

Redemption Song I decided to spruce up my English grammar and writing by watching TED & reading Economist every once in a while(Why every once in while? It’s just too easy to get sentimental, and say every day, but to be reasonable, we all know that won’t be the case. So promise less and do more.).

Today the top of the speech is Redemption Song, and honestly I can’t quite appreciate the music, but it tells a good story and at least for a while it does resonate with my heart.

If we want freedom, then we gotta think different. Because freedom … it isn’t a place. It’s a mind setting.

Freedom, a word which is being frequently talked about. As we grow up, we begin to realize freedom is like movement in physics, you need to have a reference object. There is no absolute freedom, cause your freedom may interfere with others’ freedom.

I like the analogy of prison, freedom truly isn’t a place. Most of us struggle for financial freedom, but if we look back, we may have forgotten the meaning of financial freedom, but entered a dilemma. That is, most of us didn’t earn the amount of money which is thought enough, and the time for freedom is draining.

What an irony! But that is the reality.

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