Machine Learning and Creativity

个人随笔 Alan 9年前 (2016-07-04) 4318次浏览 0个评论 扫描二维码

Machine learning became really popular, especially in the last few months due to the go match between AlphaGo by Deepmind(which was acquired by Google) and Lee.

It seems that you wouldn’t be seen as an “in” person if you don’t talk about AI(Artificial Intelligence), this is true among common civilians, not to mention those avant garde investors, silicon valley is like their second hometown.

We all know computers are naturally good at, well, computing, but they can’t be humans right? They can’t have thoughts, they can’t be as creative or intelligent as people, but truth, they can, at least in their own way.

At the beginning, computers can just read 1 and 0(binary), so simple! But it takes many geniuses’ life to figure that out, the concept of letting machine learn on their own(presumably with some help) has really changed the world, that’s where AI comes in.

Where’s the future of AI, I don’t know. But it does cause a lot of anxieties among us.

Will robots dominate the world?

90% or even more may lose our job…

The list can on and on, I think adapt to the reality and environment is actually what makes human special. So there’s nothing to worry about, we will figure out before the “apocalypse” comes.

Every block of stone has a statue inside of it, and the job of the sculptor is to discover it.

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