Learn from shortcuts

个人随笔 Alan 9年前 (2016-07-05) 4297次浏览 0个评论 扫描二维码

There are shortcuts everywhere, campus, residential area, park etc. People are just resourceful to figure out the more convenient and less time-consuming path(desire path), but it posts a good question for us, why didn’t the designers see this at the first place?

This question is especially helpful for marketers, is your product what customers really want? Is it promoted and priced right in your customers’ perspective?

I like the story of Ayr Muir, who used a food truck to test out the right place and menu. It makes wonder since nowadays we’ve got big data, with so much data is that testing still needed(maybe in China it’s not plausible in the first place, unless you have a way to deal with those Chengguan😁)?

Learn from shortcuts

Needless to day, no matter in which area you’re working, to start from a different point of view would be tremendously helpful, be it your customer, your patient, your boss.

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