
Magento Alan 11年前 (2014-04-20) 4092次浏览 0个评论 扫描二维码


  •   app: This folder is the core of Magento and is subdivided into three importing directories:
    • code: This contains all our application code divided into three code pools such as core, community, and local
    • design: This contains all the templates and layouts for our application
    • locale: This contains all the translation and e-mail template files used for the store
  •  js: This contains all the JavaScript libraries that are used in Magento
  •  media: This contains all the images and media files for our products and CMS pages as well as the product image cache
  •  lib: This contains all the third-party libraries used in Magento such as Zend and PEAR, as well as the custom libraries developed by Magento, which reside under the Varien and Mage directories
  •  skin: This contains all CSS code, images, and JavaScript files used by the corresponding theme
  •  var: This contains our temporary data such as cache files, index lock files, sessions, import/export files, and in the case of the Enterprise edition the full page cache folders




  •  Block: This folder contains blocks in Magento that form an additional layer of logic between the controllers and views
  •  controllers: controllers folders are formed by actions that process web server requests
  •  Controller: The classes in this folder are meant to be abstract classes and extended by the controller class under the the controllers folder
  •  etc: Here we can find the module-specific configuration in the form of XML files such as config.xml and system.xml
  •  Helper: This folder contains auxiliary classes that encapsulate a common-module functionality and make it available to a class of the same module and to other modules’ classes as well
  •  Model: This folder contains models that support the controllers in the module for interacting with data
  •  sql: This folder contains the installation and upgrade files for each specific module
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