
Magento Alan 11年前 (2014-04-19) 5850次浏览 0个评论 扫描二维码


  •  .htaccess
  •  .htaccess.sample
  •  404 (directory)
  •  app (directory)
  •  cron.php
  •  downloader (directory)
  •  favicon.ico
  •  index.php
  •  index.php.sample
  •  js (directory)
  •  lib (directory)
  •  LICENSE_AFL.txt
  •  LICENSE.txt
  •  media (directory)
  •  pear
  •  pkginfo (directory)
  • report (directory)
  • skin (directory)
  • var (directory)


  • .htaccess—This file controls mod_rewrite for fancy URLs and sets
    configuration server variables (such as memory limit) and PHP maximum
    execution time, so that Magento can run better.
  • .htaccess.sample—Works as a backup for .htaccess, so that we know
    the default .htaccess file (if ever we edit it and need to backtrack).
  • cron.php—The file that should be executed as a cron job every few
    minutes to ensure that Magento’s wide caching doesn’t affect our
    server’s performance.
  • favicon.ico—Magento’s default favicon; it’s the small icon that appears
    in the toolbar of our browser.
  • index.php—The main loader file for Magento and the file that
    initializes everything.
  • index.php.sample—The base template for new index.php files, useful
    when we have edited the index.php file and need to backtrack.
  • LICENSE_AFL.txt—It contains the Academic Free License that Magento
    is distributed under.
  • LICENSE.txt—It contains the Open Software License that Magento is
    distributed under.
  • pear—This controls all automatic updating via the downloader and SSH.
    This file is initialized and handles the updating of each individual module
    that makes up Magento.
  • php.ini—A sample php.ini file for raw PHP server variables
    recommended when setting up Magento on our server. This should not be
    used as a complete replacement, but only as a guide to replace certain lines
    of the php.ini server file. It is useful when overriding these variables when
    .htaccess isn’t enabled on our server.


  • 404—The default 404 template and skin storage folder for Magento.
  • app—All code (modules), design (themes), configuration, and translation
    files are stored in this directory. This is the folder that we’ll be working
    in extensively, when developing a Magento powered website. Also
    contained in this folder are the template files for the default administration
    theme and installation.
  • downloader—The web downloader for upgrading and installing Magento
    without the use of SSH .
  • js—The core folder where all JavaScript code included with the installation
    of Magento is kept. We will find all pre-compiled libraries of JavaScript here.
  • lib—All PHP libraries used to put together Magento. This is the core code
    of Magento that ties everything together. The Zend Framework is also stored
    within this directory.
  • media—All media is stored here. Primarily for images out of the box, this
    is where all generated thumbnails and uploaded product images will be
    stored. It is also the container for importing images, when using the mass
    import/export tools.
  • pkginfo—Short form of package information, this directory contains text
    files that largely operate as debug files to inform us about changes when
    modules are upgraded in any way.
  • report—The skin folder for the reports that Magento outputs when any
    error occurs.
  • skin—All assets for themes are stored within this directory. We typically
    find images, JavaScript files, CSS files, and Flash files relating to themes,
    in this directory. However, it can be used to store any assets associated
    with a theme. It also contains the skin files for the installation of skins and
    administration templates.
  • var—Typically where we will find all cache and generated files for Magento.
    We can find the cache, sessions (if storing as files), data exports, database
    backups, and cached error reports in this folder.


  • /app/design/frontend/default/<template_name>/
    • layout/—For all the XML files declaring which module tied
      functions should be called to which template files
    • template/—For all the templates processing the output that
      is passed from functions called from layout/ and structured
      into the final output to the user.
  • /skin/frontend/default/<template_name>/—For the containment
    of all assets relating to our template, images, CSS, Flash, and JavaScript.

结构板块(Structural Blocks),以三栏结构为例:

• header
• left
• content
• right
• footer


每个结构板块中又包含若干个内容板块(Content Blocks),以右栏为例:

• mini cart
• recently viewed products
• newsletter subscription block
• poll



	<reference name="header">
		<block type="page/html_header" name="header" as="header">
		<block type="page/template_links" name="top.links"
		<block type="page/switch" name="store_language"
		<block type="core/text_list" name="" as="topMenu"/>


  •  <default>—The handler for the URL, in this case default will load no matter what other handler is being initialized
  •  <reference>—The reference structure which calls the blocks in our theme
  •  <block>—A content block which defines the type of block and the template which will process the block’s outgoing data in the system


<block type="page/html_head" name="head" as="head">
	<action method="addCss">
		<stylesheet> css/menu.css </stylesheet>
	<action method="addCss">
		<stylesheet> css/clears.css </stylesheet>
	<action method="addItem">
		<if>lt IE 7</if>
	<action method="addCss">
	<action method="addCss">
		<stylesheet> css/print.css </stylesheet>
		<params> media="print" </params>







  • community—For community-distributed extensions, usually those that we
    have installed through Magento Connect or have downloaded from a source,
    other than our own. Anything installed through Magento Connect will be
    installed here automatically.
  • core—Reserved for core Magento modules, so that we cannot directly
    overwrite or interfere with them. We keep our modules out of core to avoid
    any conflict with the core modules or any future updates. Anything from a
    Magento upgrade or any new Magento modules will go into this directory.
  • Local—This is where we should be placing our modules when they are
    either under local development or are not distributed among the community.
    It’s best to keep anything that we develop in this directory, so as to not
    interfere with the core or community modules. Nothing will be automatically
    installed here, unless we have physically uploaded it.


  • Block/
  • controllers/
  • etc/
  • Model/
    • Mysql4/
      • Book/
  • sql/
    • book_setup/



tar cf magento_archive.tar * (将所有文件压缩到

tar -xvf yourfilename.tar (解压缩相关备份文件)

mv /path/to/new/destination/ (移动备份文件到指定目录)

cp –R * /path/to/new/destination/ (复制所有文件到指定目录)

对于数据库的备份可以通过后台System>Tools>Backups中的Database Backup按钮来进行备份,备份文件将保存在/var/backups/下,也可以通过phpMyAdmin中的export功能来进行输出备份。

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