
Magento Alan 11年前 (2014-04-19) 6220次浏览 0个评论 扫描二维码

安装Magento需要满足一些系统最低配置要求,详情可访问以下页面: http://magento.com/resources/system-requirements

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Linux x86, x86-64

Supported Web Servers:

  • Apache 1.3.x
  • Apache 2.0.x
  • Apache 2.2.x
  • Nginx (starting from Magento 1.7 Community and 1.12 Enterprise versions)

Supported Browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and later
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.5 and later
  • Apple Safari 5 and later on Mac only
  • Google Chrome 7 and later
  • Adobe Flash browser plug-in should be installed

PHP Compatibility:

  • 5.2.13 – 5.3.24; or 5.4.x with a patch for CE or EE (the patch is listed as PHP 5.4 Compatibility in the EE support portal)
  • Required extensions:
    • PDO_MySQL
    • simplexml
    • mcrypt
    • hash
    • GD
    • DOM
    • iconv
    • curl
    • SOAP (if Webservices API is to be used)
  • Safe_mode off
  • Memory_limit no less than 256Mb (preferably 512)


  • EE or later: MySQL 5.0.2 or later
  • EE or earlier: MySQL 4.1.20 or later
  • CE (all versions): MySQL 4.1.20 or later
  • Because Magento CE and EE require transactional database support, the InnoDB engine must be used with any version of MySQL. Consult THE MYSQL DOCUMENTATION for more information on InnoDB engine support and installation.

Redis NoSQL (optional for CE 1.8 and later, EE 1.13 and later)

  • redis-server version 2.6.9 or later
  • phpredis version 2.2.2 or later


  • A valid security certificate is required to work over a secure channel (HTTPS) from the Magento Admin Panel or when submitting form data from the storefront. Self-signed SSL certificates are not supported.

Server – hosting – setup:

  • Ability to run scheduled jobs (crontab) with PHP 5
  • Ability to override options in .htaccess files


将所下载文件解压缩并将文件上传到到需要安装Magento的目录下,然后在相关目录url地址后添加/magento-check.php进行访问,文件使用的是短标记<?而非常用的<?php,如果系统不支持short tags,则需要修改起始标签。magento-check.php文件的内容如下:


function extension_check($extensions) {
$fail = ”;
$pass = ”;

if(version_compare(phpversion(), ‘5.2.0’, ‘<‘)) {
$fail .= ‘<li>You need<strong> PHP 5.2.0</strong> (or greater)</li>’;
else {
$pass .='<li>You have<strong> PHP 5.2.0</strong> (or greater)</li>’;

if(!ini_get(‘safe_mode’)) {
$pass .='<li>Safe Mode is <strong>off</strong></li>’;
preg_match(‘/[0-9]\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/’, shell_exec(‘mysql -V’), $version);

if(version_compare($version[0], ‘4.1.20’, ‘<‘)) {
$fail .= ‘<li>You need<strong> MySQL 4.1.20</strong> (or greater)</li>’;
else {
$pass .='<li>You have<strong> MySQL 4.1.20</strong> (or greater)</li>’;
else { $fail .= ‘<li>Safe Mode is <strong>on</strong></li>’; }

foreach($extensions as $extension) {
if(!extension_loaded($extension)) {
$fail .= ‘<li> You are missing the <strong>’.$extension.'</strong> extension</li>’;
else{ $pass .= ‘<li>You have the <strong>’.$extension.'</strong> extension</li>’;

if($fail) {
echo ‘<p><strong>Your server does not meet the following requirements in order to install Magento.</strong>’;
echo ‘<br>The following requirements failed, please contact your hosting provider in order to receive assistance with meeting the system requirements for Magento:’;
echo ‘<ul>’.$fail.'</ul></p>’;
echo ‘The following requirements were successfully met:’;
echo ‘<ul>’.$pass.'</ul>’;
} else {
echo ‘<p><strong>Congratulations!</strong> Your server meets the requirements for Magento.</p>’;
echo ‘<ul>’.$pass.'</ul>’;



Congratulations! Your server meets the requirements for Magento.

  • You have PHP 5.2.0 (or greater)
  • Safe Mode is off
  • You have MySQL 4.1.20 (or greater)
  • You have the curl extension
  • You have the dom extension
  • You have the gd extension
  • You have the hash extension
  • You have the iconv extension
  • You have the mcrypt extension
  • You have the pcre extension
  • You have the pdo extension
  • You have the pdo_mysql extension
  • You have the simplexml extension
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