高效Dart: 代码风格
要使用Linter规则: 驼峰类型
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class SliderMenu { ... } class HttpRequest { ... } typedef Predicate<T> = bool Function(T value); |
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class Foo { const Foo([arg]); } @Foo(anArg) class A { ... } @Foo() class B { ... } |
如果标注类的构造函数不接收参数,你可能会希望为其创建一个单独的 lowerCamelCase
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const foo = Foo(); @foo class C { ... } |
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library peg_parser.source_scanner; import 'file_system.dart'; import 'slider_menu.dart'; |
要使用Linter规则: 库前缀
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正确 import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:angular_components/angular_components' as angular_components; import 'package:js/js.dart' as js; |
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错误 import 'dart:math' as Math; import 'package:angular_components/angular_components' as angularComponents; import 'package:js/js.dart' as JS; |
要对其它标识符使用Linter规则: 非常量标识符名称
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var item; HttpRequest httpRequest; void align(bool clearItems) { // ... } |
建议对常量名称使用Linter规则: 常量标识符名称
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正确 const pi = 3.14; const defaultTimeout = 1000; final urlScheme = RegExp('^([a-z]+):'); class Dice { static final numberGenerator = Random(); } |
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错误 const PI = 3.14; const DefaultTimeout = 1000; final URL_SCHEME = RegExp('^([a-z]+):'); class Dice { static final NUMBER_GENERATOR = Random(); } |
- 对已使用
的文件或库添加代码 - 在生成与Java对等的Dart代码时 – 例如,在由 protobuf生成的枚举类型中。
大写字母的缩略词很难阅读,多个相连的缩略词会导致含糊的名称。例如,一个惟 HTTPSFTP
开头的名称是没有办法知道它是指 HTTPS FTP 还是HTTP SFTP的。
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正确 HttpConnectionInfo uiHandler IOStream HttpRequest Id DB |
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错误 HTTPConnection UiHandler IoStream HTTPRequest ID Db |
Exception: 一个未使用的参数可命名为 _
, __
, ___
等等。 This happens in things like callbacks where you are passed a value but you don’t need to use it. Giving it a name that consists solely of underscores is the idiomatic way to indicate the value isn’t used.
Hungarian notation and other schemes arose in the time of BCPL, when the compiler didn’t do much to help you understand your code. Because Dart can tell you the type, scope, mutability, and other properties of your declarations, there’s no reason to encode those properties in identifier names.
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正确 defaultTimeout |
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错误 kDefaultTimeout |
To keep the preamble of your file tidy, we have a prescribed order that directives should appear in. Each “section” should be separated by a blank line.
A single linter rule handles all the ordering guidelines: directives_ordering.
Linter rule: directives_ordering
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import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:html'; import 'package:bar/bar.dart'; import 'package:foo/foo.dart'; |
Linter rule: directives_ordering
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<span class="kwd">import</span> <span class="str">'package:bar/bar.dart'</span><span class="pun">;</span> <span class="kwd">import</span> <span class="str">'package:foo/foo.dart'</span><span class="pun">;</span> <span class="kwd">import</span> <span class="str">'util.dart'</span><span class="pun">;</span> |
Linter rule: directives_ordering
If you have a number of “package:” imports for your own package along with other external packages, place yours in a separate section after the external ones.
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import 'package:bar/bar.dart'; import 'package:foo/foo.dart'; import 'util.dart'; |
Linter rule: directives_ordering
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正确 import 'src/error.dart'; import 'src/foo_bar.dart'; export 'src/error.dart'; |
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错误 import 'src/error.dart'; export 'src/error.dart'; import 'src/foo_bar.dart'; |
Linter rule: directives_ordering
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正确 import 'package:bar/bar.dart'; import 'package:foo/foo.dart'; import 'foo.dart'; import 'foo/foo.dart'; |
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错误 import 'package:foo/foo.dart'; import 'package:bar/bar.dart'; import 'foo/foo.dart'; import 'foo.dart'; |
Like many languages, Dart ignores whitespace. However, humans don’t. Having a consistent whitespace style helps ensure that human readers see code the same way the compiler does.
要使用Formatting is tedious work and is particularly time-consuming during refactoring. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about it. We provide a sophisticated automated code formatter called dartfmt that does do it for you. We have some documentation on the rules it applies, but the official whitespace-handling rules for Dart are whatever dartfmt produces.
The remaining formatting guidelines are for the few things dartfmt cannot fix for you.
The formatter does the best it can with whatever code you throw at it, but it can’t work miracles. If your code has particularly long identifiers, deeply nested expressions, a mixture of different kinds of operators, etc. the formatted output may still be hard to read.
When that happens, reorganize or simplify your code. Consider shortening a local variable name or hoisting out an expression into a new local variable. In other words, make the same kinds of modifications that you’d make if you were formatting the code by hand and trying to make it more readable. Think of dartfmt as a partnership where you work together, sometimes iteratively, to produce beautiful code.
Linter rule: lines_longer_than_80_chars
Readability studies show that long lines of text are harder to read because your eye has to travel farther when moving to the beginning of the next line. This is why newspapers and magazines use multiple columns of text.
If you really find yourself wanting lines longer than 80 characters, our experience is that your code is likely too verbose and could be a little more compact. The main offender is usually VeryLongCamelCaseClassNames
. Ask yourself, “Does each word in that type name tell me something critical or prevent a name collision?” If not, consider omitting it.
Note that dartfmt does 99% of this for you, but the last 1% is you. It does not split long string literals to fit in 80 columns, so you have to do that manually.
Exception: When a URI or file path occurs in a comment or string (usually in an import or export), it may remain whole even if it causes the line to go over 80 characters. This makes it easier to search source files for a path.
Exception: Multi-line strings can contain lines longer than 80 characters because newlines are significant inside the string and splitting the lines into shorter ones can alter the program.
Linter rule: curly_braces_in_flow_control_structures
Doing so avoids the dangling else problem.
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if (isWeekDay) { print('Bike to work!'); } else { print('Go dancing or read a book!'); } |
Exception: When you have an if
statement with no else
clause and the whole if
statement fits on one line, you can omit the braces if you prefer:
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if (arg == null) return defaultValue; |
If the body wraps to the next line, though, use braces:
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正确 if (overflowChars != other.overflowChars) { return overflowChars < other.overflowChars; } |
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错误 if (overflowChars != other.overflowChars) return overflowChars < other.overflowChars; |